Who We Are
We are not your typical development company that builds and flips mortgage plantations,* leaving residents to fend for themselves.
Rainbird Development Company, BLLC is a subsidiary of Rainbird Village, A Utah Benefit Municipal Corporation and Cooperative Association. It is a team of professionals who build whole-systems towns & villages primarily for prosperous, regionally self-reliant employee-owned companies and producer cooperatives.

* Mortgage Plantation: Food desert bedroom neighborhood of bank-owned assets, dependent upon remote centralized services, that add to urban sprawl, traffic congestion, utilities overload; 5-year average turnover – never paid off; Equity used as piggy bank by “owner” occupant – lifetime debt servitude; Equity dependent upon real estate market fluctuations; Extracts 39.67% of disposable income.
Our Vision & Mission
Company towns used to be the backbone and economic powerhouse of America. (For a list of former company towns throughout the U.S., see US Company Towns List.) Due to exporting jobs overseas through globalization, what used to be prosperous, regionally self-reliant rural and semi-rural towns & villages are now the “rust belt” and dwindling or abandoned small towns throughout the heartland.
The mass migration, in search of employment, to ever-more expensive big cities has resulted in over-congestion and soaring homelessness, poverty, and crime.
Our mission is to restore the thrivability* of America by building whole-systems towns & villages for re-localization of prosperous, regionally self-reliant employee-owned companies and producer cooperatives throughout the United States.
* Thrivability: “The ongoing ability of life to thrive at every level within a living system” – The Age of Thrivability, by Michelle Holliday
Our Team
We are seasoned professionals dedicated to creating the planned, whole-systems, regenerative communities of the future. (See Our People)
Our Managing Sponsor has completed previous full cycle projects in Master Planned Communities, Residential Housing Construction, building up to 300+ units per year, and commercial industrial business parks as well as housing acquisition, renovation, and sale.
Our Architectural team members are time tested, ecologically savvy people who are passionate about what they do.
Our Agroecology team has completed large-scale ecosystem restoration projects around the world, with requisite understanding of varied climate needs.
Our Process
Our development projects may be done for companies that want to own and manage their own town or village.
1. Site Assessment & Town Plan: The “bones” of the proposed site are thoroughly accessed for the vital essentials necessary to support our Community Infrastructure system, and a plan is created for implementation and/or updating of its vital components to suit the company's needs.
2. Funding: Client company either:
a) Secures the funding needed for acquisition of the real estate (greenfield or existing town) on which the client company’s town or village is to be developed and implementation of the plan, or
b) Gets prequalified for purchase of their developed town or village after completion, in which case we raise the required funds from investors through Site-specific Investment Corporations to maximize tax benefits for the investors.
3. Acquisition: Per 2 above, either we or the client company acquires the real estate on which the client company’s town or village is to be developed.
4. Restoration & Development: We restore the land for ecosystem functionality and build and/or renovated the improvements per the plan.
5. Where we raise the funds for acquisition & development:
a) Sale: After completion of the development stage, it is sold to the client company at the agreed upon price ... and
b) Exit: Investment capital is returned along with accrued earnings.
Value Proposition
The community infrastructure we put in place provides for:
Regional economic resilience
Affordable housing
Food and fiber security
Clean Water security
Clean Energy self-sufficiency
Waste Recycling
Clean Transportation
Ongoing Learning
Hospitality & Retail
On-site Jobs
Current Projects
Southern Utah Opportunity Zones, (Not currently available)