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Our Philosophy

We are not your typical development company that builds and flips mortgage plantations,* leaving residents to fend for themselves. Rainbird Development Co, Benefit LLC, is a team of professionals that build whole-systems towns & villages for prosperous, regionally self-reliant employee-owned companies and producer cooperatives.


We believe this is vital in order to bring about the necessary paradigm shifts required for the revitalization and future prosperity of the American heartland at the grassroots level from which all positive change has historically originated.


For side-by-side comparisons of existing paradigms in housing, education, employment, economics, agriculture, health & wellness, supply chains, and governance with the shifts in each necessary to defeat poverty and ensure prosperity, please see the 18-slide presentation below.


* Mortgage Plantation: Food desert bedroom neighborhood of bank-owned assets, dependent upon remote centralized services, that add to urban sprawl, traffic congestion, utilities overload; 5-year average turnover – never paid off; Equity used as piggy bank by “owner” occupant – lifetime debt servitude; Equity dependent upon real estate market fluctuations; Extracts 39.67% of disposable income.

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© 2021 Rainbird Development Co., BLLC

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